Molly Susan Strong

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Each Day a Wonderful Surprise

This is the photo sent to me this morning.  
The sign on the left is one of my creations and 
this sweet lady I met at my shop at
sent it to me to show me 
how she had displayed it in her  lovely home.

Oh what a treat!
We then started exchanging emails and
I learned Julie is an author and speaker.  

This is a link to her book and her story.

I instantly purchased her book.
Merry Christmas to me!

So today,
I have a new friend and
am excited 
as we so hope to work together
in support of each others 
interests and art. 
Each day a new surprise 
full of possibilities.

One of my favorite quotes about possibilities:

"She didn't know it couldn't be done 
so she went ahead and did it."
 One of my creations with a lovely vintage lady 
walking piggies...why not?
Isn't that a motto for creative souls?

Tell me your favorite quote.
You might see it in one of my newest creations.

"Creativity often consists of 
merely turning up what is already there. 
Did you know that right and left shoes 
were thought up 
only a little more than a century ago? "
Bernice Fitz-Gibbon

Turn up what is already there... I love that.
Thanks Julie for making my day....

Linked to:
Paint brings possibilities that are indeed endless!  Go see...
Domestically Speaking


Someday Crafts

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Let us be grateful to people who make us happy--

they are the charming gardeners
 who make our souls blossom.

--Marcel Proust

Here I sit in gratitude for all that is around me,
for all the "flowers" that blossom.
With gratefulness comes
a peace within and amazingly, 
 a fullness bursting.

I am so thankful for so much. 

I went to my shop and there was a gift "from Santa".
I mean literally with a tag
"To: Molly
 From: Santa"

A present from a dear friend,
and made by another friend.
AND a big surprise when I really needed it.
I brought it home and left the tag...
that may be the best part.

OK it is the whole thing...
the gift,
the thoughtfulness,
the sweetness.

The wreath is a
Goes perfectly with my snowmen collection!
Thanks again my friends...
for all you do and all you are...


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